Bug fixes:
1. Fixed an issue when user mapped ScopeMark's roles in custom Rate Card, the rate for the mapped role was always displayed as '$' (SE-2693).
2. Fixed an issue when child account inherited parent's Scope Custom Fields and used them at Single Scope, then inherited custom field title was missing on Scope Overview page (SE-3261).
3. Fixed an issue when green banner appeared, if user tried to duplicate a component which is included in deliverable that has library component (SE-3346).
4. Fixed an issue when autosave did not happen after user deleted content block in the Word Template on 'Output' tab of the 'Manage' page (SE-3373).
5. Fixed an issue when message without spaces in-between words caused the text to go over borders on the 'Activity' tab (SE-2966).
6. Fixed an issue when 'Cascade changes' popup appeared several times when user updated a Third Party Cost's name (SE-2978).
7. Fixed an issue when input box could be expanded beyond visible area on 'Activity' tab (SE-3027).
8. Fixed an issue when 'Add Item' button and action button ('...') overlapped each other inside Single Scope (SE-3098).
9. Fixed an issue when container names for 'Folder' and 'Scope' are displayed with broken text on 'Notification Profiles' page (SE-3096).
1. Added SmartSheet Resourse Management services integration on the 'Integration Settings' page.
2. Added an ability to inherit all Third Party Cost from parent into a child account.
3. Also added an ability to inherit only selected TPC Groups or TPCs to a child account.
4. The 500 characters limit for 'Internal Notes' and component description was removed. The limit is now 10,000 characters.
5. Margin calculation was added on the Deliverable Builder page and Scope Overview page. Margin is calculated by defining the Profit's value percentage to the Deliverable Total value.
6. Also added 'Deliverable Margin' permission that allows to disable or enable the display of margin for user.
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