When exporting your scope into an Excel output (having selected the 'output' button), you will see the options for multiple output formats. Choose 'Export as Excel Document'.
Next, select the Excel template that you want your scope data to be output into.
Scope Custom Excel Output
This template is only available where your SCOPE Better system has its own customised Excel output template set up. Where your custom template is applied to the scope, this option will appear for you to output. These are typically client specific templates and will vary in their formats and data contained within them. NB: If your system does not have any custom Excel templates, this option will not appear for you.
Scope Excel Output
This template provides a detailed breakdown of the scope in terms of deliverables and component names and descriptions, roles, hours, fees, third party costs. Where multiple deliverables are used within a scope, this template will list each in its own section, calculating the full scope fee at the end. This output is often used to share the scope breakdown detail with a client.
Hours by Agency Role Summary
This template provides a rolled up summary of the roles, rates, and fees, FTE %'s and third party costs for your total scope. This does not list out deliverables or components individually. This is mostly used internally to report back on an overall scopes staffing plan.
Hours by Agency Role by Deliverable
This outputs the data per deliverable by department, role, rate and FTE%, hours and the totals as well as provides the full total of the scope. It also provides a view third party costs per deliverable. This output would usually be used internally for staff plans and resourcing.
Hours by department
This template rolls up all data up into a total for hours by department and the total fee for the scope. It only lists the components name and description with the quantity used within that scope. This does not list anything individually neither does it provide line item detail of roles or hours. This template would typically be used for internal purposes to review the total hours of a department required for an overall scope.
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