1. The fee variable was added to the Deliverable Content Widget
If the user wants to use it - he should type "${" inside of Deliverable Content Widget and full list of available variables will be displayed.
2. View/Edit rate card overrides in the deliverable data page
A new feature was added to the scope app. From now on the user is able to make overrides for components on the Data page. In order to do so the user should open the Data page and:
( 1 ) select from the drop-down menu rate card for which he wants to create an override
( 2 ) select deliverable from the menu
( 3 ) select any component (starred or not)
After the component for override was selected user is able to:
( 1 ) substitute role
( 2 ) add new roles
( 3 ) delete departments/roles from component
After the component was successfully overridden, it will be highlighted with blue indicator 'Ratecard Override'
Component override is affecting only the rate card on which it was made.
3. Date variable in the format in words
New date formats now available for scope users in on variable configuration popup.
4. Editable Excel Output was added
New editable Excel output template was added.
5. Retained Teams for Scope Of Work
User now able to create a retained team for Scope of Work. In order to do so, the user should open the Scope Of Work and switch to the 'Retained Teams' tab.
On the 'Retained Teams' tab click 'Add Team' and add retained team page will be displayed.
On the create retained team page user should specify retained team name ( 1 ) and select rate card ( 2 ) for the retained team.
When rate card was selected user is able to:
( 1 ) select department with roles
( 2 ) select role
( 3 ) edit role FTE or
( 4 ) edit role hours
( 5 ) clear role selection
( 6 ) save role to the team
( 7 ) edit saved role
( 8 ) remove saved role
( 9 ) search for a role in agency roles
After retained team was created, it will be displayed on Retainer Breakdown including used hours.
User can use Retained Team resources right away after Scope of Work -> Single Scope was created.
Also user can enable Retained team for Scope of Work with already existing single scopes. In order to do so user need to open SoW -> Single Scope details page and click on 'Retained hours used' checkbox ( 1 ).
All retained hours used and retained hours remaining will be displayed in Scope of Work header ( 1 ) and ( 2 ).
6. Word Output 'variable' tables were added for deliverable content widget.
User need to add Deliverable Content widget and type '#{' in it. List of available sub widgets will be displayed immidiately.
7. Table (with calculations) for the output file
A new widget was added for the scope output editor - Calculation Content.
This widget allows user to insert into Word Output file editable table which allows dynamically calculate milestones fee by typing percent value into the corresponding column.
8. Deliverable Widget Table - hidden elements
From now on if elements in the Deliverable Widget Table were unselected using the pop-up table properties function, these elements will not appear in the widget table in terms of a title or content.
9. Fixed cost deliverable total price
Now user has full flexibility on the total price of a fixed cost and the ability to change and edit however he wants.
10. Output Template - No2 update
Output Template - No2 was slightly updated to make its use more comfortable
Bug fixes:
1. Fixed an issue when rows order in the output file does not fit with rows order on the Breakdown tab of the single scope (SE-2161)
2. Fixed an issue when the user was able to insert multiple components of the same size as separate objects on the deliverable builder page (SE-1671)
3. Fixed an issue with the scope trial account output (SE-2253)
4. Fixed an issue when the user was unable to retrieve scopes after an attempt to duplicate scope using a rate card with different currency (SE-2250)
5. Fixed an issue when the Breakdown table was not showing hours or sum of price totals at the bottom of the table even when the options were selected (SE-2233)
6. Fixed an issue when the rate card filter was displaying wrong items for the user (SE-1921)
7. Fixed an issue when the discipline filter was displaying wrong items for user (SE-1904)
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