Scope details page
After the scope is created, scope overview page is opened to build your scope.
Note: some of the actions or sections shown below might be unavailable or missing according to scope status or permissions settings.
Scope Overview page consists of the following sections:
( 1 ) Scope name which can be edited.
( 2 ) Scope, Activity, Details, Team, Breakdown and Output tabs.
( 3 ) Add item button which allows to select what to add: deliverable, fixed fee deliverable, stage.
( 4 ) Scope menu button. Opens drop-down with archive, delete, mark as template option for scope.
( 5 ) Scope status line with all information about scope including version switch.
( 6 ) Deliverables list displaying deliverable totals. Any deliverable can be unfolded to see its contents. Each deliverable can be edited by clicking on the edit button. Also, user can delete or duplicate deliverable using the menu button.
( 7 ) Fees list displaying added Scope Fees. Also, user can add, delete or duplicate fees using the menu button.
( 8 ) Scope discount section with manage icons.
( 9 ) Scope totals line.
( 10 ) Scope status line with approvals actions
( 11 ) Collaborators list displays all collaborators from current scope team.
( 12 ) Output action to export the scope as Word or Excel document.
Adding new deliverable
Click Add Item button and select Deliverable on Scope Overview page to open deliverable creation dialog.
Fill in Deliverable name.
Start typing Deliverable type to populate available deliverable types list, select required one.
Select Start/End date.
Click Start building new deliverable to proceed to deliverable builder.
Note: Deliverable type defines linked Role discipline and available components to build a deliverable. Available deliverable types are listed here.
User can create custom deliverable by typing ( 1 ) non-existing deliverable type and clicking the ( 2 ) 'Create Custom Deliverable' button.
Deliverable builder overview
After new deliverable has been added, deliverable is opened.
You might also click on an edit icon to open it for edit.
There are the following sections in deliverable builder:
( 1 ) Menu slider button. Click on it to hide the side menu.
( 2 ) Components/3rd party costs tabs will switch the component list below to 3rd party cost creation form and vice versa.
( 3 ) Components filter will help you to display only the recommended (star), all (All), frequently used (heart) components in the list below or search for a specific one.
( 4 ) Components size selector will change agency hours (and price) for all components in list to fit the planned work amount.
( 5 ) Components list
( 6 ) Deliverable name section allows you to edit the name of deliverable.
( 7 ) Back button. Returns user to scope page. All changes in deliverable will be saved automatically.
( 8 ) Deliverable info panel shows information about deliverable.
( 9 ) View more button. Expands info panel to display all information about deliverable
( 10 ) Deliverable components list displaying already added ones.
( 11 ) Totals section displaying totals for the current deliverable.
( 12 ) Profit section displaying profit for current deliverable.
( 13 ) Mark-up section displaying mark-up current deliverable. User can set mark-up himself.
( 14 ) Margin section displaying margin current deliverable.
( 15 ) Add section button.
( 16 ) Fees list displaying added Deliverables Fees. Also, user can add, delete or duplicate fees using the menu button.
Deliverable sectioning
Sectioning is a convenient way to organise components in deliverable. Sections are displayed when unfolding scope on the main page or in output documents.
Use Add section button to add as many sections to the deliverable as needed.
Clicking on section name will allow to ( 1 ) rename it.
Controls in the right top of the section border can be used to ( 2 ) delete section or ( 3 ) collapse / expand section.
( 4 ) Section total displays total value of components in a single section.
Note: When you delete section containing any components, you will be prompted whether to delete those components (delete all components within section) or move & merge them to main section (Move & merge all components to main section).
Adding components
Components are pre-defined tasks containing specific roles and hours. Component cost is calculated basing on the ratecard selected for the client the scope is being built to. Initially there is a set of pre-defined components, but you can easily create and use own.
To add a component simply drag and drop it to appropriate section. You can add the same component to different sections. Adding the same component to the same section will simply increase its quantity (but it's much more convenient to use | - | and | + | controls).
When you create a component in deliverable builder, you will see Scope roles associated with the created component. This build-in feature helps user to give an idea about the most standard resources, i.e. Scope Mark roles, used within a chosen component and complexity level.
You can unfold the added component to see and manage its contents. You can rename component whatever you want ( 1 ). Besides the quantity ( 2 ) you can change size ( 3 ) of the component and work hours ( 4 ) for every role.
To combine existing roles together you can merge ( 5 ) them.
Required agency roles can be added ( 6 ).
For more details see Role management section.
If a user has permission to 'Unmap and Substitute roles' he or she can substitute missing role.
After 'Substitute role' button was clicked popup will appear. On popup you can:
( 1 ) search for the role by name
( 2 ) search for the role by expanding department popup
( 3 ) and finally, choose role for substitution
After role was chosen by user, he or she should apply substitution on 'Map missing role' popup.
Managing roles
At Scope, we would always suggest that you should never Delete roles that you should either Merge or Add roles. When you add roles, you can then see at all times if it is tracked to the Scope Mark. This is an industry best practice for using Scope.
To add a role, click on +Add roles control, type an existing role name or click on the role from the drop-down menu and click Add. Selected role will be added into deliverable section in the corresponding department and if it doesn't exist in that section so it will be added.
Adding scope discount
The last step in scope creation is adding a discount for beloved client. Click +Discount link in totals line to open discount dialog.
You can set exact discount amount in currency ( 3 ) or specify percentage ( 4 ). Fill in name ( 1 ), amount ( 2 ) and click Add discount ( 5 ).
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