Added new dashboard tab 'Scope by Quantity'
Dashboard feature will provide all necessary information for Scope users in form of graphs and charts. Dashboards are separated into two tabs - 'Scope by Quantity' and 'Scope by Role'. In both tabs, users are able to export data to xlsx file or simply download an image of graphs or charts. To easy work with data all graphs and charts are provided with tips.
Scope by Quantity
'Scope by Quantity' dashboard tab provides information about:
- Created Scopes quantity
- Built deliverables
- Used Components
- Scopes Created Over
- Top Clients by Scope Quantity
- Top Used Disciplines
- Scope Statuses
- Top Employed Departments
All data may be filtered by date range.
Scope by Role
The old dashboard was moved to 'Scope by Role' tab. So users who liked the old version may still use it. Following information available about single client or group of clients:
- Agency Role
- Agency Department
- Scope value
- Profit
- Scope status
All data may be filtered by Client, Status or Member.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where selecting locations on 'Manage' menu was reseted after collapsing and expanding panel (SE-1320)
- Fixed an issue where user was not able to upload a logo on 'Manage' page (SE-1316)
- Fixed an issue where 'Acess roles' menu was missing for default profiles (Admin and Member) (SE-1323)
- Fixed an issue where changing the filter during a search, does not update the highlighted fields (SE-1263)
- Fixed issue where top page filter on 'Library' stopped responding (SE-1264)
- Fixed issue where 'Load more Scopes' button still displayed when no other scopes were available (SE-1287)
- Fixed issue where 'Deliverable builder' should be opened manually after deliverable was added to scope within SOW (SE-1301)
- Fixed issue where Dashboard chart for Scope Value doesn't load (SE-1303)
- Fixed issue where 'Agency Scope Status' chart shows 'No Statistics' (SE-1304)
- Fixed issue where 'File is not valid' remains on screen after an attempt to upload a file with invalid extension (SE-1314)
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